Got an email from Facebook saying that the app we use for OneAll Social login requires an app review.
Here is the information they are asking us about.
App Review required by August 1, 2018 to retain access to Facebook Platform APIs
The Facebook App Review process and API permissions model have been updated. Learn more.
In order to maintain your current API access, your app will need to be submitted for review by August 1, 2018. If your app is not submitted for review, you will lose access to these permissions and features.
The Facebook Platform APIs have been updated with these changes. Please review the FAQ to ensure you request the correct permissions and features with your app review submission.
If access to the permissions and features is approved, the app may need to be associated to a verified business to complete App Review.
Since we don't get this information direct it appears to go to OneAll have to wonder how we can even ask for this review.
Please sign in to your OneAll account to ask a new question or to contribute to the discussions.
Yep, i've recieved one notification about that. We need to give them some details about that permissions: user_link, user_gender, user_age_range and user_friends to someone review it and validade.
Please OneAll, do you have information about this and to get this solved with the our apps reviewed?
If you need these scopes/permission (user_link, user_gender, user_age_range, user_friends) to get some specific fields, you will need to submit your application again with these scopes. Facebook will probably ask you why you need these scopes for the submission. If you don't need them (check in your OneAll account in the Requested Data for Facebook) the scopes required at the end of the page, you can ignore this message I think.
Best regards,
I'm not interested in gathering any information about users that may use their Facebook account to log into my phpBB Forum. I just want to provide a convenient way for them to do so, and to broaden my membership. But I would also like to be confident, that simply ignoring this Facebook Developer message will not break Facebook integration at some point in the future.
Can one of the OneAll developers speak to this? The Facebook Developer email reads like stereo instructions to me.
Hi Dan,
a couple of years ago, Facebook did not require any submissions or approvals to gather specific data, like the user's gender.
When they introduced the submissions (you need to ask Facebook for their permission to gather specific user data), older apps automatically obtained the permissions to do so.
What now changes is that these "old" apps also need to go through the submission. If you don't go through the submission, the corresponding data will no longer be requested when you users login and you will not longer obtain it.
The Facebook integration itself will not break. You might only lose the access to some specific user information if you don't do the submission.
Damien is by the way a OneAll developer
I would also appriciate support on this task. Copy & Paste for the content would help already.
How do you handle the Screencast, which is also requested?
thanks for sharing review.
Oops, just now seeing this. Thanks for the clarification, Claude and Damien.
You'd better kindly send us a reminder email to check the account's Requested Data for Facebook.
Facebook already sends a reminder about the changes, that's why we decided not to add one on top of it
Can we safely disable all extended profile data permissions in the OneAll settings? Is getting the email enough to authenticate users?
I just want to make sure our WordPress login still works in August.
Hi Christoph,
the login will not stop, even if you leave the permissions enabled. You only will no longer receive the corresponding data if your app hasn't been reviewed.
For the login only the email is needed.