Does anyone know to fix this error - Scope not approved by LinkedIn

I have just connected my oneall to my linkedin account and i keep getting an error message

[] Scope not approved by LinkedIn
The scope/permissions that this Site is requesting have not been approved by LinkedIn. If you are the owner of this website then please enable less permissions or ask LinkedIn to grant your app the usage of additional scopes. Access the LinkedIn Configuration

How can i get to fix this


  • If you're facing the "[] Scope not approved by LinkedIn" error after connecting OneAll to your LinkedIn account, it means the requested permissions (scopes) haven't been approved by LinkedIn. To fix this, review your LinkedIn app settings in the LinkedIn Developer Portal and adjust the permissions to only request those that are generally allowed, such as profile`. If you need higher-level permissions, you may have to apply for them through LinkedIn's API review process. After adjusting the scopes, update your OneAll configuration and test the connection again. Managing these integrations effectively is essential for businesses, and using Local SEO services in the UK can further help in optimizing your online visibility and technical setup.


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