Google+ and twitter login working, but not facebook

My new implementation of OneAllSocial on a phpBB3 platform is working fine for Google+ and twitter. I don't have activation enabled on the board (immediate access) but when I log in using a facebook account, it returns a message telling me it has sent an activation key by email to the user. That email never arrives, although the board sends other admin messages just fine, and until I turned off admin activation, it sent that email correctly. Any ideas what to change?


  • Hi,
    Is it possible that the Facebook user registered when the activation was still on?
    What is the activation status of that Facebook user?

    The plugin will send an email when the board-wide email is on, and if the address is available. Only the template changes.

    Hope this helps.
  • No the activation was off at the time I tested it the first time. When I turned activation on and set it to admin, the message changed to indicate that an email had been sent to the admin for activation, which also didn't arrive. that user did not successfully register, and didn't show up in the user list as a user or needing activation. I can however, try with a different facebook user.
  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    edited November 2015
    So, does this behaviour occur for one user, logging in with Facebook? (yes, trying another Facebook account would be helpful!). This is strange.
    Is there anything in the phpbb logs? (there should be something about email errors)

  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    edited November 2015
    Ah, noticed the plugin version is 3.6.2, intended for PhpBB 3.0.x, are you using that version of phpBB?
    If you are using a more recent PhpBB version, use the other plugin version:
  • Yes. I'm on 3.0.12
  • Hi,
    Ok, could you try another Facebook?
    Also, is there anything in the phpbb logs? (there should be something about email errors)
    These are in the DB, table phpbb_logs.



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