
I have managed to get client-side javascript working to connect to a social network, but cannot figure out how to obtain the logged in users credentials for display in my web app:
Here is the javascript code:

_oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_event', 'on_login_redirect', my_on_login_redirect ]);

var my_on_login_redirect = function (args)
var connection_token = args.connection.connection_token;
var user_token = args.connection.user_token;

// Now that I have the connection token and user_token - what do I do next?
// Ideally there are some simple (undocumented) javascript functions to allow me to get at
// all of the logged in users credentials - now?

Best Answer

  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    Answer ✓
    Yes. Use the connection token to get the details for the just-logged in user.
    (As you pointed out in your other post)


  • I assume that at this point I must in fact send the connection token to my own server via my own web API in order to then use your ReST API to query the connection, as this is a more secure process than connecting from the client exposing my API key?


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