Twitter Login Page is not open

I am not able to open Twitter login page in my iOS App.


  • Hi,
    How are you accessing the Oneall API endpoints in your app?
    (direct REST calls, ...)

  • Hiregem_HireHiregem_HireMember
    edited February 2016
    I have downoaded iOS oneall project from gitHub and replace twitter consumer and secret key with my keys.

    I want to open twitter login page in my iOS App.Please see Example image link.

  • Hi,
    Well, first, usage of the mobile service requires a paid plan (

    Now, if this is your case, and it still won't work, perhaps you can post your question on the github page (for the author of the extension).

    And, if all of this fails, we can look into it here.

    Sorry for the redirections.
  • Hi,

    I have an paid plan for mobile usage.

    Always i am getting below response when i will try to open Twitter login window.

    "The callback uri [] does not seem to be a valid uri
    Use the query argument callback_uri to specify it's value"
  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    edited February 2016

    Which callback URI did you set?

    Also, which version, or when did you download the SDK from github?

  • Hi,
    callback URI =

    Last week I downloaded SDK from github.
  • Hi,
    callback URI =

    Last week I downloaded SDK from github.
  • Hi,
    callback URI =

    Last week I downloaded SDK from github.
  • Hi,
    Hold on, this is probably not the correct URI.
    The URI of your mobile app to redirect the user to after having logged in with this social network account. The URI may have a custom scheme to allow operation under various environments.
    Example: oneall://callback (for iOS applications)
    Upon successful authentication with a social network account, users will be redirected back to the callback_uri to which the OneAll API will add a url parameter connection_token. This token uniquely identifies the user's connection with his social network account.
    Example: oneall://callback?connection_token=18881239-fddb-4b7c-b384-998177c61815



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