google integration on android app.

how to integrate google login into the android app.


  • Hi,
    There is this SDK (github), maybe it can help:

  • Hi,

    after use the android-sdka and
    after setup account and run the code then get following error please check:-
    [Site:3RConnect] One-time usage of connection_tokens is required
    The mobile connector  may only be used with one-time connection_tokens enabled.
    what is the problem please check and given me some solution.

  • Hi,
    In your, tick the appropriate option in API Settings & Credentials, Advanced API Settings.

    Hope this helps.
  • I am facing same issue in my iOS app. How did you fix this?
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited November 2017
    Please login to your OneAll account and open the Settings \ API Settings of your OneAll site.
    Then switch Restrict connection_tokens to a one-time usage ? to "YES".


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