1. User logged in via Google account.
2. I want to issue custom request to Google using access_token from user's identity.
3. It works fine some time after logging in, but later Google says, that access_token is expired.
4. I want to refresh access token by PUT
https://myapp.api.oneall.com/identities/xxx/synchronize.json. It returns HTTP 400 and message "The provider did not accept the stored access_token, it is either invalid or expired. Please ask the user to re-login."
My question: what is wrong? How to update connection info (access_token actually) of Google identity or any other social network in roght way?
In the request to the synchronize endpoint, did you add try to include some POST data?
To set "update_user_data" to false and "force_token_update" to true, for example.
yes, I tried any combination of true/false with update_user_data and force_token_update. Answer is the same.
could you please post the identity_token that you are using?
The API response includes a refresh token. You can use this to refresh the access token.
The Oneall synchronize endpoint does this, and basic testing shows it currently working.
So, odd, but we'll be looking into it some more though.
Claude_Schlesser, my identity token is d513d59a-c6a7-455f-b454-adb5c7ae63bc. It was created yesterday and worked fine. Today it doesn't work.
GET request to https://truststamp.api.oneall.com/identities/d513d59a-c6a7-455f-b454-adb5c7ae63bc.json
gives 200 answer with:
... "access_token": { "key": "ya29.sAL9cZgrQQmdndfeNiJFtZODK-re-ukU9lUvYu5estJtVcslTBq2MpBxMRplYucaUm0", "date_expiration": "03/25/2016 15:44:47" } ...
So, access_token is expired.
PUT request to https://truststamp.api.oneall.com/identities/d513d59a-c6a7-455f-b454-adb5c7ae63bc/synchronize.json with any combination of update_user_data and force_token_update gives me:
... "status": { "flag": "error", "code": 400, "info": "The provider did not accept the stored access_token, it is either invalid or expired. Please ask the user to re-login." } ...
Fred_Pinel, which request gives me refresh token? I didn't found it.
The identity endpoint (the GET request to https://truststamp.api.oneall.com/identities/d513d59a-c6a7-455f-b454-adb5c7ae63bc.json) should return the refresh token, in addition to the access token (right after it actually).
Do you see it?
Currently, I have
GET request to this URL returns no refresh token near access_token or anywhere in the response:
"response": { "request": { "date": "Wed, 30 Mar 2016 10:35:09 +0200", "resource": "/identities/494c0a17-f80d-49e1-87b2-ef7587f26230.json", "status": { "flag": "success", "code": 200, "info": "Your request has been processed successfully" } }, "result": { "data": { "identity": { "user_token": "a02e6dfe-f3a5-40d1-b099-fd0bdd793d35", "identity_token": "494c0a17-f80d-49e1-87b2-ef7587f26230", "date_creation": "Wed, 30 Mar 2016 09:04:26 +0200", "date_last_update": "Wed, 30 Mar 2016 09:04:26 +0200", "provider": "google", "provider_identity_uid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "source": { "name": "Google", "key": "google", "access_token": { "key": "ya29.tQKWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "date_expiration": "03/30/2016 10:04:25" } }, ...
Thanks a lot!
For our information, did you delete the identity of the user before?
are you have any update for this issue?