Sharing on Google site cause error

Hello Sir,

You are given that sharing link from developers corner have google site mentioned. And while publishing content on behalf of user gives error 400 -Your request could not be processed due to an error.

Whats this error suggest? And what are the social sites that are allowed for sharing through OneAll API ?

Thanks in Advancve.


  • Hi,

    We have purchased your "Silver" plan and we would like to share our content on behalf of users on below sites.
    1) Google
    2) YouTube
    3) Instagram

    Please let us know asap so that we can proceed as per it.

  • Hi,
    How are you using the sharing service? Is it via the Social login API, or the sharing plugin? Also, in which application are you using our service? (custom app, a CMS)

    Thanks for any information.
  • Hello Fred,

    We are using you service in our .Net web application which is developed in the .Net Framework 2.0. We used social login api as well as sharing plugins.

    Please let us know on these asap.



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