Problem with emails


Even though I have activated the option "If the user's social network profile has no email address, should we ask the user to enter it manually?" and have added a custom message, I am still getting user accounts with, from Facebook, Google, and Twitter logins. So far I have 128 such accounts, out of 6,135.

I am using OneAll Social Login 5.0, currently on WordPress 4.5.2, but most of those accounts have been created on previous versions of WordPress. Let me know if you need more information.


Angelos Kyritsis


  • Hi,
    It is possible that the users were prompted for their email and entered and address.
    (there is check for duplicate email addresses, but not for validity).

  • Hi Fred

    I find it highly improbable than 128 Greek-speaking users would use addresses such as and

    There must be some other explanation.
  • Ah :-) Indeed (I did not know these were the addresses).
  • vc4a_kennethvc4a_kennethMember
    edited May 2016

    I can indeed confirm we're experiencing the exact same issue and also want to add we have cases after login the login callback is finished identity fields are missing such as givenName.

  • vc4a_kennethvc4a_kennethMember
    edited May 2016

    Did some research about our issues and it seems some of our users signed up with Facebook using a phone number. I think in such case it would be ideal if we can configure the Extended Profile Data in the backend to read field verified that FB api provides. So you can be sure the user is verified with either a credit card or confirmed their account with SMS etc.

  • Hi,
    If the user profile does not have an email address, and the plugin setting requires email entry, then random email addresses will not be allowed.
    This is the case even when the user registered with Facebook with their phone number.
    Is it possible these accounts were created before this setting was set?
  • In my case, every one of those accounts was created after I had changed the setting, it was one of the first things I did when I installed the plugin.
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited May 2016
    Hi Angelos,

    the technical workflow might not be exactly like you expect.

    If you enable this option:
    If the user's social network profile has no email address, should we ask the user to enter it manually?

    Then the plugin will first add a new user with an example email address if the social network does not provide an email address. In the second step the plugin will ask the user to enter his real email and the update the user record accordingly.

    So if you have @example email addresses, then the user have probably cancelled the login flow without completing their profile.
  • If this is the case, then the plugin should not create the account when a user does not complete the second step, since the account without a functional email is useless. Doesn't that make more sense than having profiles with
  • Hi,
    Indeed, this is the process and the user account is created even if the user cancels the email entry.
    And, yes, it would make sense not to create the account in this case.
    We'll investigate this change and let you know.
  • Thank you, Fred. Keep up the good work.
  • Ok, we have a change ready. We'll let you know when available publicly.
  • i'm facing the same problem.
    exactly with the Twitter and Instagram account!
    To: Claude_Schlesser!
    and i have to say no! not only when a user cancelled the login flow without completing their profile. but also when the user get logged in successfully and enter email, the account username is still
    To: Fred_Pinel
    thanks for payin attention to the users
    but i found out this topic : " "
    and it's for abt 4years ago!
    haven't you come up with a good solution for this problem in 4 years? :))
    how should we fix this issue??? any help???
  • Hi,
    The proposed fix has not been distributed yet (on the Wordpress site). We'll do it shortly. Apologies for this.

    Now, the proposed fix prevents the user creation when he/she cancels registration when requested an email.
    (which is the problem reported in the question).

    It will not fix the bogus email addresses for returning users (when logging in).
    For this, the modification suggested in the page you linked to should work.
    Also, you can control the email entered with a filter on the hook 'oa_social_login_filter_user_request_email', return an empty email address if it does not match your requirements.
    And, the hook 'oa_social_login_action_before_user_login' can be used to intercept logins.
    We can help you in adding these hooks.
  • @fred_pinel
    tnx. i will appreciate your help.
    how can i correct the username (which is the user email []) after the user entered the new email? with those hooks you mentioned?
    is it possible to use update_user_meta() for this? and if yes? how? if no, then what solution do you suggest?
    tnx a lot.
  • Hi,
    Yes, you can use this update_user_meta for this (which is what the plugin does actually).
    Just be sure we understand: in your setup, is the username the email address? So, you want to update the user name, and not just the user address?
    Sorry for extra questions!
  • @fred_pinel
    no! the exact problem is the plugin does not update the username, and still looks like :-)
    yes in my setup, the username is the email address.
    yes , i want to update the username to user-email-address(of course after getting the email from pop up box) . so the username does not look like
    extra information:
    the user user-email-address will be updated after that pop-up box showed to user (we can't get ur email from ... please enter your email manually)
    but even after this, the user's "username" is not updating to user-email-address. and still looks like

    no problem for extra questions ;-)
    and thank you for your helpppp.


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