Steps I took:
1. Created a userid (
@FarikoBrainiac) on (a wordpress-site) site with twitter: worked fine.
2. Created a userid (Alexander korf) on the same site with facebook: worked fine.
3. Then I wanted to connect the facebook account to the
@FarikoBrainiac on
4. I deleted userid Alexander-Korf on (I have admin rights)
5. I deleted the facebook from my alexander-korf FB-account
6. logged in using the twitter login
7. went to my WP-profile
8. tried to connect my FB account alexander-korf and gave permission
9. it created a new new WP-user on my WP site in stead of connecting it to my
@FarikoBrainiac account.
can you please help?
The steps should be:
1. Create the @FarikoBrainiac account with Twitter.
2. Link that user account to the Facebook account (when editing profile, bottom of page).
Now, the situation you are in may prevent you from doing this.
So, first, after connecting with the Alexander Korf with Facebook, unlink that account to Facebook (click on the Facebook account). Then delete that account in WP. Finally, proceed with the 2 steps above.
This may not reflect the state of your user accounts, please let us know how things go.
1. I created a user with twitter
2. I unlinked my FB account (I removed the app from this FB page )
3. I deleted ALL alexander-korf accounts in my WP-install
I forgot to mention I am using a WP Multi-Site setup. :S my bad. I did however check all three sites for alexander-korf and removed the user wherever I could find it in the user-lists)
Is there another place where the WP-account created with FB is stored?
perhaps somewhere in the WP-tables that I need to remove with an SQL-statement?
or somewhere in the OneAll network?
Greet, Alex
Well, some Social Login information is stored in the wp_usermeta, but that gets cleared when deleting the user.
Might have missed it in the OP, but: did you unlink the Facebook network from the WP Alexander Korf account, before deleting it on WP? (to unlink, on the WP profile, towards the bottom of the page, there are social network icons, linked accounts are ticked. CLicking on a ticked icon will unlink that account)
Reason is that link is also maintained on our servers and needs to be cleared too.
If not, then you must re-create the Alexander Korf WP account with Facebook to then unlink & delete.
1- first unlink FB from the WP alexander-korf account on facebook.
2- checked if WP alexander-korf existed anywhere on the WP network and deleted the user
3- tried to link Facebook with existing Twitter account: unsuccesful
what table should I clear?
1. WP network admin
2. WP user farikobrainiac (created with OneAll by Twitter)
3. Facebook
4. the cPanel account where the site is hosted.
1. download ALL SQL-tables
2. search for the emailadres of the FB account: found it
3. unlinked WP user on FB
4. delete WP user created with emailadres
5. download ALL SQL-tables again
6. search for the emailadres of the FB-account: not found anymore (as expected)
7. tried to link farikobrainiac WP userid created with Twitter OneAll: unsuccesfull.
Is perhaps Facebook keeping track even if the app is unlinked from the FB account?
1. i created a WP-user account alexander-korf that was linked with FB through OneAll
2. i went to the wp-admin profile from alexander-korf and unlinked it from within Wordpress using OneAll
3. NB mind you, i did NOT unlink it on Facebook as you suggested earlier
4. I logged off user alexander-korf in WP
5. I did not delete the WP-user alexander-korf anywhere
6. I logged in with farikobrainiac (created with OneAll linked to twitter)
7. I tried to link farikobrainiac to FB with OneAll: succesfull!
important question: WHY did you suggest to unlink it from within Facebook? That was not necessary and actually seemed to have caused the loop of failure... :S
I finally understand it all and it is fixed.
PS. It really works very well. Happy customer here.
Apologies for not explaining it clearly, it would have saved you some time.