What I am after is a plugin that allows site visitors to connect with their social media details in order to visit restricted pages. I dont want them to then be logged into Wordpress in any way. I basically want their name, email address etc in return for accessing offers and restricted info. I want a plugin that stops me needing to ask the visitor to fill in a registration/sign up form.
Is this the right plugin for me?
Thanks for your reply. At present the visitor fills in a simply form, Name, Tel, Email and Clicks Submit. At this point their info is emailed to a recipient address and they either automatically get emailed a voucher or a representative calls them to sign them up. My Client now wants a set up where, instead of the form, they simply 'register' interest by clicking a Social Media icon of their choice and their info is taken from their Social Media account and passed to a recipient address, and someone contacts them like before.
I'm not sure it's going to work, but I am interested to hear your thoughts.