I thought I had, but now if someone tries to register, it states:
"Or simply register using your social network account
[OneAll] To enforce the security of our services we require each domain to be whitelisted. Please click here to open your security settings and whitelist the domain dvd-fever.co.uk. Reload this page afterwards."
And starts taking the new member to my security settings page!! HELP!!
The forum link is:
I don't get this error on your forum.
Please try to refresh your browser's cache.
That should fix the issue!
.....Is there error being displayed on my front page in the sidebar using an incognito tab. Everything was working great, until recently. Notable changes are that I purchased an ssl cert.....I have gone into the settings of my OneAll and have found where it says that my site is infact whitelisted as it is asking me to do? Can you help???
when you open www.krooshbidz.live it redirects to krooshbidz.live
As you have only whitelisted www.krooshbidz.live, it does not work on krooshbidz.live
I have now whitelitest these domains:
Please refresh your browser’s cache to fix the issue.