Microsoft login

i created the Windows Live App ID and Password (secret), but when i try to login with microsoft account it reload the page without allow me to insert user and password.
How can i fix it?
Best regards,


  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    could you please post a link to a page where I can reproduce the error?
    I will have a look and help you fix the issue.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi,
    here the LINK

    Best regards,
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    Hi Luca,

    this is the error that we receive for your Windows Live setup:
    The client does not have a secret configured. If you are the client application developer, configure a secret through the application management site at
  • Hi,
    i did it.
    But doesn't work anymore...

    Best regards,
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    Hi Luca,

    please open the Windows Live setup in your OneAll account and compare the keys with the keys of your Microsoft app. Please make sure that they are identical.

  • Hi,
    I pasted it from my Microsoft Account...
    Best regards,


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