I have set up everything and am trying to utilize the "Conditionally Display Content" shortcode as explained the documentation. However, it is not working - nothing is being displayed when using the oa_social_login_test shortcodes.
Here is what I'm doing:
[oa_social_login_test is_social_login_user="true"]
[oa_social_login_test is_social_login_user="false"]
Please login to view our Members Only content.
The shortcodes need to be inserted in the Text view of your post, and not in the Visual view.
Hope this helps.
Right, there is an error in our code.
We already planned to release a new version shortly (with added features), so the correction will be included.
Meanwhile, you can fix it in your installation, if you wish:
In file wp-content/plugins/oa-social-login/includes/user_interface.php,
at line 463, replace
elseif ($attr ['is_social_login_user'] == 'false')
withelseif ($args ['is_social_login_user'] == 'false')
.Thanks for your input!