I have a page with an embedded Google map (iframe). This works fine initially.
However, when I log in using this Socal Login plugin and Google, my maps disappear when viewed in FireFox!
If I copy the iframe source and paste it into a new tab I get the following message:
"We are sorry, but you do not have access to this service. Please contact your domain administrator for access."

Even if I log out, the maps are still missing.
I've traced it to a cookie that is added when logging in with this plugin and Google:
google.com > HSID
If I delete it, the maps come back.
Is there a way around this issue?
Thanks for reporting this.
Could you share the code that displays the google map (the iframe) ?
So we can try to reproduce your error.
Sure, here's an example:
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=z7CKlB5eYaDE.kzmUQUv2MCcg&z=16" height="250" width="100%"></iframe>
Timestamp: 18/08/2015 15:44:16
Error: Load denied by X-Frame-Options: https://admin.google.com/ServiceNotAllowed?service=mymaps&continue=https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=z7CKlB5eYaDE.kzmUQUv2MCcg&z=16&wmode=transparent does not permit cross-origin framing.
could you please post a link to your website?
I will have a look.
The site is still on an internal development server. We hope to go live in the next couple of months.
Is it just me that has the problem?
Your google maps iframe does work on our wordpress test environment.
Do you have a specific configuration directive for your web server?
(such as x-frame-options headers)
No, no x-frame options are defined.
The iframe works fine until I've authenticated with Google.
Does the iframe in your test environment still work in FireFox after signing in with Google?
Yes, it does work after signing in with Google via Social Login.
Do you notice any error message in the console on the page with maps iframe before signing in (and while not signed in with Google, with or without Social Login) ?
Also, could we access your page somehow? (you mention it is under development)
Maybe you can try adding &output=embed to the Maps source link (as per stackoverflow :-).
Also, are you sure a non-public Google Map can be displayed in an iframe? (which would explain the x-frame-option)