With last update of your plugin (or maybe wordpress) i can't login with Social Login. When i click one of icons of social login the page enter in infinity loop.
I tried to change settings but nothing.
Another problem is that after this, some user cant access completely my blog because the browser don't find the server.
If you want you can try by yourself: www.xcoding.it
where exactly can I see and test the Facebook login?
Testing the provided URL returns a BuddyPress error:
Warning: array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in /home/xcoding1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-members/bp-members-functions.php on line 2726
Member types are, per documentation, added by plugins.
Do you use any plugin that registers member types (and perhaps not in the expected structure) ?
(Social Login does not)
Then the problem occurs only with version 5 of your plugin