Hello, Since I'm using steam as the only option to log in to my website I was wondering if it was possible to replace the Login button entirely with the a "log in through steam" page. Fun thing is that this is ALREADY built in vanilla, just not yet configured by you guys.
I know that there's an option in the vanilla control panel to make people register ONLY through SSO plugins, but your plugin is not available in that list. Perhaps an idea to make that available.

This is what my registration page looks like when there's no plug-in found which supports SSO. Even though that is exactly what your plugin is for.

There's also an option to change the main authentication method. This way people won't be promped with a password when logging in. This is nice when you force people to use SSO.

This would make your plugin even better than it already is.
That's an interesting suggestion, thanks !
We'll look into SSO in Vanilla and see what we can do.
It seems Vanilla's SSO addresses a different requirement: it is to allow someone logged in on one of your sites to give access to another one of your sites (running Vanilla).
The various social networks do not offer this service (as SSO).
Somewhat related, OneAll does have a SSO service, but that is between 2 or more of your sites which both use OneAll.
Hope this makes sense :-)