"response": {
"request": {
"date": "Mon, 22 Feb 2016 15:47:55 +0100",
"resource": "\/users.json",
"status": {
"flag": "success",
"code": 200,
"info": "Your request has been processed successfully"
"result": {
"data": {
"user": {
"user_token": "<del>f2</del>",
"publish_token": {
"key": "",
"date_creation": "Mon, 22 Feb 2016 13:14:41 +0100",
"date_expiration": "Sun, 22 May 2016 16:47:55 +0200"
"identity": {
"identity_token": "",
"date_creation": "Mon, 22 Feb 2016 13:14:41 +0100",
"date_last_update": "Mon, 22 Feb 2016 15:47:55 +0100",
"provider": "facebook",
"provider_identity_uid": "",
"source": {
"name": "Facebook",
"key": "facebook",
"access_token": {
"key": "",
"date_expiration": "06\/14\/2062 4:02:34"
"id": "http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/profile.php?id=198295000528813",
"displayName": "Queue Acs",
"name": {
"formatted": "Queue Acs",
"givenName": "Queue",
"familyName": "Acs"
"preferredUsername": "queue.acs",
"profileUrl": "https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/app_scoped_user_id\/198295000528813\/",
"thumbnailUrl": "https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/198295000528813\/picture?type=square",
"pictureUrl": "https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/198295000528813\/picture?type=large",
"gender": "male",
"utcOffset": "5.5:00",
"urls": [{
"value": "https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/app_scoped_user_id\/198295000528813\/",
"type": "profile"
"accounts": [{
"domain": "facebook.com",
"userid": ""
"photos": [{
"value": "https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/198295000528813\/picture?type=square",
"size": "2:XS"
}, {
"value": "https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/198295000528813\/picture?type=small",
"size": "3:S"
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"value": "https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/198295000528813\/picture?type=normal",
"size": "4:M"
}, {
"value": "https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/198295000528813\/picture?type=large",
"size": "5:L"
"browser": {
"agent": "Dalvik\/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1; XT1022 Build\/LPC23.13-34.8)"
"identities": [{
"identity_token": "",
"provider": "facebook"
In the above response no field of Email id how can i get mail id please give the solution asap.Please sign in to your OneAll account to ask a new question or to contribute to the discussions.
Please click on the link below to connect to the forum with your OneAll account.
This is a valid response.
There is no guarantee you get all the fields, such as email, because that depends on the user's profile.
It also depends on your Facebook configuration on app.oneall.com, if you requested email or not.