For some reason, logging in or registering with a Windows Live account does not seem to work. Facebook, Google, Twitch, Reddit all create new users, but Live will give me a login and permissions screen the first time around, then redirect back to the page without creating or logging in.
Subsequent clicks on the Live icon will simple cause a redirection, but not registration or login.
The app will show up in the Apps Permissions in my Live account, and when removing it from there authorisation will once again be requested. However, still no login.
Could it be the response is no longer properly parsed?
The redirect you saw means the login failed. Could be because of parsing error, but Windows Live is currently reporting technical problems.
Let us know if the problem persists.
Indeed! Windows Live have made changes to their API, which is probably the cause of the login errors in Wordpress.
We'll investigate this and lt you know.
Thanks for reporting.
We're testing a fix for this. We'll update shortly.
(login problem)
it opens a new tab , and i logged in successfully but it redirected me to login page.
(bigger problem) !!!
so i opened a new tab
i got redirected to my inbox automatically ( because i was logged in from session (1) )
so i get logged out from that account.
NOW, when i go to my website to get log in from my live account,
it shows me this : "We're unable to complete your request"
(tested from all browsers - other devices - cleared chache)
but it's not working any more!
is it one way ticket ?
what caused this probelmmmmm?
tnxxx for help
I am using phpBB OneAll Plugin. I am using 2.4.9 verion of phpBB plugin.
Your fix resolved this for me.
All it does it on clicking microsoft Live Login, It will show up redirecting page and then homepage of forum.
Here is the link
Could you post the URL of the Windows error popup? (copy/paste the URL when you attempt to link to a Windows Live account). Should be something like: ...
It could be due to a misconfiguration of the Microsoft app, especially the Redirect URI (with the correct Oneall subdomain), Implicit flow ticked, Live SDK ticked.