I can't success to create an account on my prestashop in localhost with facebook connect.
I have this message : Le domaine de cette URL n’est pas inscrit dans ceux de l’application. Pour pouvoir importer cette URL, ajoutez tous les domaines et sous-domaines de votre application au champ Domaines des paramètres de l’application.
But i have my localhost : on the Allowed Domains .
My app id is connect to my OneAll Social Login 1.7 prestashop module.
Can someone help me ?
What settings do you have in the developers.facebook.com?
There is my settings in Facebook :
(The screen shoots are in French because i'm French sorry ^^)
Thanks for your help
We can't see the screen shots :-(
You can also send it in email (see my address in my profile)
But i have a problem in the next step ! ^^
The redirection doesn't work. After Facebook connect the redirection show me a white page.
Do you have an idea to solve this problem ?
The url that's make me a blank page after log with facebook is :
My url of redirection in facebook devellopers is : http://localhostchill.api.oneall.com/socialize/callback.html (https doesn't work)
We still need to update our plugin for version
And if it's work fine my online website is on
So, it could be because our plugin is not ready for too.
We'll update the plugin version shortly.
Facebook does not appear on my login page
I'm french me too
We have not yet uploaded the prestashop version, but it is ready, and will be shortly.
It will be available at docs.oneall.com/plugins/guide/social-login-prestashop/