While you’re building your app, you can add a limited number of collaborators to help you test your app. There are two types of collaborators: developers and testers. Developers can modify your app while testers can’t. Before your app is approved, only collaborators will be able to use your app. Note: You can only add someone as a collaborator if you are following each other on Pinterest.So what you basically need to do is have a person follow you on Pinterest, add this person as collaborator of the app and then ask this person to login with Pinterest once!
Both developers and testers can use OAuth to log in to your app. You’ll need at least one collaborator to authorize your app before you can submit it for review.
Please sign in to your OneAll account to ask a new question or to contribute to the discussions.
Please click on the link below to connect to the forum with your OneAll account.
Unfortunately, you must follow the Pinterest guidelines. This is outside our control.
just invite one of your friends and have him login once with Pinterest on your OneAll setup.
That should do the trick.