Steam Login

I recently updated from 3.0.12 to 3.2 of phpbb3 as well as updated the oneall plugin (clean install). On the older version of the plugin, when a new user was created from the person logging in with their steam account, it would automatically place their steam profile url in the location setting of their profile. Is there a way I can make it do that on the current version of oneall plugin?


  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    Hi Zack,

    per default the plugin will not add the Steam profile url to the location setting.
    Is this a manual change that you did in the plugin? This would explain why it no longer works now that you have re-installed the plugin.

  • It was the default plugin running on my old site. Do you know what i would edit on the new plugin to make it fetch the steam profile url of the person and place it in their website info on their profile

    I assume i need to edit this section of the sociallogin_acp_module.php
    // Website/Homepage.
    $data ['user_website'] = '';
    if (!empty ($identity->profileUrl))
    $data ['user_website'] = $identity->profileUrl;
    elseif (!empty ($identity->urls [0]->value))
    $data ['user_website'] = $identity->urls [0]->value;
    But I am not quite sure what i would change $identity->profileUrl to inorder to grab their steam profile url


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