oneall is a powerful service. We had use it with wordpress and it works well. now we got problem with opencart:
opencart version:
oneall plugin: opencart--2.0.x--2.2.x--oneall-social-login-2.1
I had been setup facebook app following the oneall guide.
when try to login using oneall as facebook user but got following error:
{"response":{"request":{"date":"Mon, 12 Jun 2017 13:11:45 +0200","resource":"\/inde:\/\/\/socialize\/redirect.html?provider_connection_token=49887381-aadf-40d8-970a-30c5493911b5","status":{"flag":"error","code":404,"info":"We are really sorry, but the resource you are trying to access does not exist. If you are currently implementing our services, then please make sure that your callback_uri points to a file on your server and not on ours."}}}}
PS: had not try oneall with other social platform, eg: google+, twitter yet .
If your website is using HTTPS you can also add this line:
define('HTTPS_SERVER', '');