Keep getting kicked back to the login page after authenticating with Google


I'm having a problem with the OneAll plugin for my MyBB site, and I was wondering if someone could help me with this.

I successfully installed the plugin, and have followed the instructions here ( and have followed the instructions for setting up Google+ authentication at my OneAll portal.

The problem I'm having is that when I log in using my Google+ account by clicking the G+ icon, and choosing the Google account to log in with, I get the notification that the login was successful, but a second later, I'm kicked right back to the login screen and can't access the site's content. Logins using my MyBB account on the site are working normally however, and the Google developer console is acknowledging that the logins are taking place, and I don't appear to be getting any errors. Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?

Thank you!




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