I trying to loging with fb, but is not redirecting to the web site, stay at this page and i need to reload the page to access the web site.
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How can i fix that?
Hi Candice,
could you please post a link to your website?
I will have a closer look.
Is trans4date.com
Thank you!!
please open the Social Login settings in your WordPress admin area and click on
Do you get a green success message for each of the tests?
a similar problem - https://kvartirabiyska.ru/login-or-register/ - Facebook
click on "Autodetect - Verify"
message - "Detected CURL on Port 443 - do not forget to save your changes!"
Hi i did that, but still stops in some blank page
we have now fixed a problem where certain users could not correctly login with Facebook. Please update the plugin in your WordPress admin area.
The latest version is 5.4.1.
There is a good chance that the update will fix the issue.
Hi, i made the update and still the same problem, i tried on MS Edge and still stay in some blank page and never loads