I have a phpBB forum site up that uses OneAll for Facebook authentication. It works great from desktop, and was working in mobile before. Recently it stopped working for mobile and shows this error:
"Invalid provider_connection_token specified! This is an intermediate page that is not supposed to be opened directly."
This message happens on Android when trying to sign into the website forums, it redirects to the Facebook app before redirecting to OneAll and that's when it gets stuck. It never redirects back to my site or logs the user in.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Please sign in to your OneAll account to ask a new question or to contribute to the discussions.
Please click on the link below to connect to the forum with your OneAll account.
could you please post a link to your forum?
I will make some tests.
Best Regards,
any update please???
this is happening with me on opencart, your site login is working perfectly with facebook app, but mine is not. this miust be a configuration issue.
It occurs for some users when using the native (non-web) authentication with Facebook on a mobile device. We are working on this issue
this error should now be fixed.
Could you please give it another try and tell me if it works now.
I am seeing a similar issue, but no error message . The call goes from some mobile (no fixed pattern) to oneall and then just stalls with nothing moving forward
Here;s a sample page where this does not work intermittently. Reported so far by 4 users and i have an active repro from Samsung S20. it works fine from my iPhone 11 (same wifi).
However, i have some other user for whom it worked on Samsung too.
I have an online "Like" based voting for a competition and some participants are complaining they are getting less likes due to this broken functionality

One-all has not worked as expected