I've just installed to replace an ailing Facebook login system that we didn't really like and discovered this wonderful thing. Facebook and Google+ setup using the guides with no problems in just minutes...
I only have the "use your social logins" on the actual SMF login page, not the "quick login" at the top (user area)... perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but shouldn't it be there as well or do I need to integrate myself?
the top area of SMF unfortunately has no suitable hook that we could use to automatically add the icons. You can add them manually by copy/pasting the following code to your SMF template:
<div id="social_login_top"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var _oneall = _oneall || []; _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_providers', ['facebook', 'google']]); _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_callback_uri', window.location.href]); _oneall.push(['social_login', 'do_render_ui', 'social_login_top']); </script>
what I did: move the entire
function template_oneall_social_login()
(shortened, I cut/paste the 55 lines worth of that code)
code block from the end of /Login.template.php to index.template.php
and then add
// OneAll Social Login (https://docs.oneall.com/plugins/) template_oneall_social_login();
below the OpenID code, before the end of the login form on index.template.php