Social Login for Joomla 4 does not work for me!

Hello, I'm getting desperate :(
I have successfully installed the Social Login extension in Joomla (4.4.1) (component, plugin, module) and entered all the required data in the Social Login Configuration.
Everything is green when verifying! I also managed to successfully set up the "Facebook App Setup", for example. However, if I want to log in via my website with the Facebook login, I only get to the Facebook login page. Then, when I fill in the access data from Facebook, the social "login callback window" opens afterwards and a spinning top keeps rotating in it....the window doesn't close either, by the way.
The oneall dashboard shows that a new user has registered or logged in. But in Joomla backend and frontend nothing new registered (logged in) user appears in backend just like in frontend.

Maybe someone knows the problem and can help me. Many thanks in advance, regards Fikri


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