About API Credentials for multisite doman and multisite subdomain

Hi, I have installed the OneAll on one multisite domain and now I am trying to add it on the multisite sub.domain ...

Can I use the Api credential of the original multisite domain name, or do I need to add one more multisite sub.domain in the OneAll domains?

Best regards,


  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team


    you can use the same API credentials for multiple websites/subdomains.
    You only need to take care of whitelisting all websites/subdomains in the security settings of your OneAll site.

    Best Regards,

  • Kay_LinKay_LinMember
    edited May 2018

    thanks, Claude,

    I have got this notice: The SSO API is not enabled in the subscription plan of this OneAll site, when I tried to verify the API setting. ...

    sorry.. what do you mean... (how) to take care of whitelisting all websites/subdomains in the security settings of the OneAll site.. I don't see a place to handle this..

    Best regards,

  • Update:

    I have successfully setup the Social Login API, yet, the "Single Sign ON"is not able to be verified..

  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    Hi Kay,

    Single Sign On is available starting from our Silver Plan:

    If you currently have a lower tier plan, then you need to upgrade in order to enable the services. But you only need one plan to cover all your websites.

    Best Regards,


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