Hi I've a problem with redirection to my site on my account at giorgio.russo@byteproject, subdomain byteproject.
I've tested my address https://store.byteproject.it/LoginCallback.aspx manually and it works (I've passed google connection token recovered by your testing button).
It appears that redirection never fired.
Is there anything I can do ?
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I used your wizard to implement it:
var oa = document.createElement('script'); oa.type = 'text/javascript'; oa.async = true; oa.src = '//byteproject.api.oneall.com/socialize/library.js' var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(oa, s);Google or other providers correctly Login but redirection to callback is missed in some way. How can I investigate it ?
it returns a [HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed 2ms]
Hi Giorgio,
First of all, Facebook is not configured correctly. The Facebook login "product" is missing in your Facebook application, please check the Facebook setup guide to correct it.
So I've tested on Google and the connection looks to be working but according to my logs, it looks like the connection between your website and our API isn't working. Could you please check that external requests are not blocked by your server ? Is it also possible to test with port 80 ? Would it be also possible for you to check your PHP error logs on your server/website and check if any error are fired that would block the process ?
Thank you.
BEst regards,