LinkedIn Error

Hello, started running into this issue today when trying to login to LinkedIn results in the following error message:

[Site:Trust Science - A Scientific Trust Level for all] Invalid provider_connection_token specified!

I have checked my oneall settings and LinkedIn settings and everything seems to be in order. This was working properly a week ago, have there been any changes?

Best Answer

  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited May 2015 Answer ✓

    LinkedIn has changed it's terms and conditions:

    Per default you are only allowed to tick the following optionsi n your OneAll LinkedIn settings:

    - Email Address (Verified)
    - Share content - Post content on behalf of the user

    To use any other options you need to request access from LinkedIn:

    If you are seeing any errors in your LinkedIn setup then you should start by unticking all options (except Email Address / Share Content) in your OneAll LinkedIn settings.

    We have also disabled all but the email/share permissions in our API so that your users will no longer see any errors and an email with further details/instructions is currently being send to our customers.


  • I'm also getting a LinkedIn error today that I've not seen before. It could be related to a number of API changes that LinkedIn has rolled out today, May 12th.

    In my API response back from OneAll, I'm getting a 401 error, "The user did not authenticate successfully". Even when I'm logged out of LinkedIn, this same error happens and I don't even get a chance to log into LinkedIn.
  • I'm also seeing the same "Invalid provider_connection_token specified" error you are getting.


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