How do I determine which page to post to?

I have a facebook account that manages multiple business pages. When I do a post, how do I determine which page that I am posting to?

Best Answer


  • I've tried that. Your API isn't returning any of the pages associated with our account.

    Our account is the administrator of 3 business pages:

    Yet when I use your API code to list the pages, I get 0 results:

  • Hi,
    Did you set the option "Manage Pages" in your OneAll Facebook settings ?
  • Yes, Manage Pages is checked.

    I think I discovered the problem yesterday evening. I suspect that my supervisor signed us up for the wrong account type. Our account says "Basic Plan" and the documentation says that we need a "Pro Plan". I am going to work on getting that resolved and then get back to you if I am still having trouble.


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