Add social media login to already existing wordpress user profile


I'm trying to allow existing users to explicitly associate their social media (Facebook) accounts with their WP account ,so that they can login with their wp credential or their social media credential - those do not necessarily have the same email.

Any suggestions?


Best Answers

  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    Answer ✓
    This is possible with the Social Link feature. An existing user can (in his profile) link to a social network account (by clicking on the social network icon of his choice).
    The user can later connect either via his WP login, or social login.

    Hope this helps.
  • Mathias_FauxMathias_FauxMember
    Answer ✓
    Ok got it!

    I did not see that on the backend the first time around . I'm running the Members Magic plugins, and the Social Link feature does not appear on the front end. I'll need a small integration that will run your plugins content after after Members Magic hooks - I'm putting everything down in case somebody else goes through the same struggle.

    mgm_profile_form_template, mgm_profile_form_template_view
    type: filter
    desc: mgm_profile_form_template for row, mgm_profile_form_template_view for row on public profile page
    args: the default content
    file: hooks/hooks/content_hooks.php


  • Running Social Login on Wordpress. Latest versions 2015 08 25

    Both Disqus and Twitter say that they cannot pick up the user's email address from that oauth.

    The option:

    If the user's social network profile has a verified email, should we try to link it to an existing account?
    Yes, try to link verified social network profiles to existing blog accounts (Default)
    No, disable account linking

    Would suggest to me that if the user adds an email address that is already registered in the wordpress then the Disqus / Twitter account would be linked to that email address

    Instead I get an error saying "an account already exists with that email address"

    What am I missing. Thank you so much for this amazing work.

  • Hi Christopher,

    Not sure we understand what you meant by:
    Would suggest to me that if the user adds an email address that is already registered in the wordpress then the Disqus / Twitter account would be linked to that email address
    Instead I get an error saying "an account already exists with that email address"
    Could you detail the steps you mean (for example: if the user adds an email address: how was that user created, by WP registration, Social Login?)

    Sorry for the extra question!


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