Hi guys,
I am experiencing some issues with a third party plugin, a ticket system premium plugin called
AIO Support CenterWhat it does, when a user is signing in to the website it sets him as a "customer" - it works great when the user is registering regularly, but when the user is registering with Facebook, with OA Social Plugin - it sets the user as "no role for this user" - which is not enabling him to use the system, send tickets etc..
I have contact their support, trying to understand what to do and that situation, here is their answer:
AIOSC Role is added on user_register hook which is called in default WordPress registration process and your Facebook plugin is either not using this hook or it's using it in a wrong way.
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide support for third-party plugins and you should contact author of that plugin.What should we do to fix this issue? using this plugin is very important to us.
Best Regards,
That is correct, we are not using the user_register hook (we will look at adding this, because it would make things simpler).
However, you can set the role for a new user using a procedure documented here https://docs.oneall.com/plugins/guide/social-login-wordpress/, section 3.5.
Hope this helps.
I will look into it, thanks :-)
It was very helpfull, its working now