WordPress plugin - registered users without names

We use Social Login for our WP multisite and notice strange thing - all users registered with their FB or VK account appeared without names.
Instead of nick name they have "vkontakteuser1", "vkontakteuser2", "vkontakteuser3".... and so on. From FB they come with nick name, but also without name.
Also we have problems with instagram connection. We pass all registrations and verifications, but when we try to login with instagram, we receive message that our site can't connect instagram. Do we miss something?
Thanks for advise.

Best Answer


  • Hi,
    The WP user login created by the plugin tries to find suitable values from different names in the user's profile. However, it is then sanitized (WP function). If after that step the user login is empty (because missing names --unlikely, or removed), then the plugin creates a user login as you describe (provider."user".some number).
    Given the providers (cyrillic characters?) you have and the multisite setup, the user login problably get stripped to an empty string.
    You can check this page (section 5.4 at the bottom) docs.oneall.com/plugins/guide/social-login-wordpress/, or loosen the multisite sanitization of WP.

    Regarding the instagram connection, what error message do you get?

  • Thanks a lot! WordPress Special Characters in Usernames plugin installed, waiting for somebody to register.
    From instagram we get message -[Site:razvivalka] Could not connect to Instagram
    We tried to reset instagram configuration, but it did not help.

    Best regards
  • Hi,
    Yes, the logs show that there are cyrillic characters in your user names, so the mentioned plugin should help.

    This can error can come from missing or incorrect credentials in your Instagram setup.
    If this is ok, then it could also come from an authorization error, the client not being authorized to access the user data. Maybe you can double check the Instagram application setup (permission parameters)? Or let us know what these are.



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