Hello. I am trying to pre-populate the Facebook and Twitter sharing dialogs using the settings that the Social Sharing Wizard generates:
For the Facebook sharer all of the settings are being ignored/having no effect, and for Twitter, the only setting that seems to have any effect is data-title.
It's important for us to pre-populate these values for our web app. Any ideas on things to check, and how to get this working?
Adding the attribute data-opt="si:0" will help with the data-images for Facebook.
You can set provider specific attributes in the various spans.
However, the other attributes do not seem to be working.
We'll be working on those.
Thanks for your reply. I tried data-opt, like in the following code:
But receive this error:
Error 500
We are sorry but our system has encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. A notification has been send to our quality assurance team and we will immediately look into this issue!
We were planning to release something this week that makes use of the OneAll Social Sharing features. Do you have an idea of when these sharing attributes would be working again?
<span class="oas_btn oas_btn_facebook" title="Facebook" data-opt="si:0" data-images="http://www.snowleopard.org/site-images/projectsthumbnail.jpg"></span>
Considering the span code, are you setting other data-* attributes in the enclosing div?
(data-title, data-url, ...)
Also, this looks like a Facebook generated message?
Another option is meta tags on your pages.
Regarding the schedule, it is unlikely this gets fixed in the coming week.
Sorry about this.