Google Analytics Problem

Hello, my GA expert has requested that I do the following

"pend the utm_nooverride=1 parameter to the return URL of the social signup tool. With this parameter, Google Analytics is going to ignore the source of the redirect, unless there’s none set in the visitor’s cookies."

Is this possible with OneAll? Is it necessary?


Best Answer

  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    Answer ✓
    If you use the redirect setting of the Social Login configuration, then, you could append your GA parameters there.
    Otherwise, you could add the following changes to one of the Social Login files.
    (there is also a Wordpress filter available for the callback URI, but only at the login or registration forms, while the site uses shortcodes)

    In file: wp-content/plugins/oa-social-login/includes/user_interface.php, at about line 945, replace the code:
    //Build Callback URI if (array_key_exists ('callback_uri', $args) AND !empty ($args ['callback_uri'])) { $callback_uri = "'" . $args ['callback_uri'] . "'"; } else { $callback_uri = "(window.location.href + ((window.location.href.split('?')[1] ? '&': '?') + \"oa_social_login_source=" . $source . "\"))"; } with:
    //Build Callback URI if (array_key_exists ('callback_uri', $args) AND !empty ($args ['callback_uri'])) { $args ['callback_uri'] = add_query_arg ('utm_nooverride', '1', $args ['callback_uri']); $callback_uri = "'" . $args ['callback_uri'] . "'"; } else { $callback_uri = "(window.location.href + ((window.location.href.split('?')[1] ? '&': '?') + \"oa_social_login_source=" . $source . "&utm_nooverride=1\"))"; }



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