Is there any way to use oneAll only for social login?

We wanted to use OneAll only for social login and to get access to the users social informations.
Is there any way to do it? We also need to disable identity storage since we are going to store them in a separate database.



  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    Hi Andrea, could you please tell me which paltform (WordPress, Drupal ... ) you are using?
  • Hi Claude,
    pure javascript

  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    Hi Andrea,

    are you using Angular or another JS framework?

  • Hi Claude,
    we have a javascript library that interacts with google endpoints. What we need to do is use your social login to get the user's informations and for authentication purposes. We want to handle ourself the indentity and the session.



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