Can't get contacts.

Hello there,

I tried to get my users connection count from linkedin. I checked linkedin's privilege setting(, it says num-connection will be provided. But when
I trying to retrieve user's contact with this API: /users//contacts.json. And the result is always 400. And in the contacts object, it says 500 and "the response could not be parsed" .

Hope someone can help me with this issue.

Thank you very much!!

Best Answer


  • Zhe_YuZhe_YuMember
    edited May 2016
    It seems one all API was somehow rendered in a wrong way. Let me try this way: "/users/user_token/contacts.json"
  • Hi,
    This is most likely due to the changes in LinkedIn API, which requires you to request a special 'partner' agreement with LinkedIn to access this data.
    Apologies for the unclear message.

  • We're changing the error message in our responses.
    Thanks for your report!
  • Zhe_YuZhe_YuMember
    edited May 2016
    Thank you so much for your reply, Fred!

    In my case, I don't need user's contancts' info. I just need their connection number. And this number is accessible in linkedin basic profile.
    So, is there a way to only get connection-number?


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