how to connect/disconnect multiple social accounts to a profile

hi. i'm using wordpress, and buddypress plugin.
my question is how to connect/disconnect multiple social accounts to a profile?
imagine a user = B
User B, has multiple social accounts
he has a ,,

so if a user uses login buttons to get login from google, the profile will be attached to google.
and when he tries to login from hotmail, or yahoo , he will have a new acc! :|

so as this, it would be 3 accounts for one person...!

how can we merge it together ? and make it clear that if the user enters from yahoo&hotmail&gmail still has one account?


Best Answer

  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    Answer ✓
    The user, once registered, needs to go to his profile, and link his account to other social network, by clicking on the icons.
    If he clicks on a ticked social network icon, this will unlink the social network account from his WP account.
    Not sure this is so clear :-)
    Let us know.


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