How are unique users counted?

Dear oneall support,

We're tyring to setup oneall for drupal 7 such that a single oneall click will auto-create a drupal account and allow users start commenting.

We would like to understand how oneall handles the following scenario:

1) User clicks on oneall-google icon to automatically create account in drupal.
2) User returns next day, but clicks oneall-facebook icon (forgetting she clicked on the oneall-google icon previously). Note that the facebook account also uses the same gmail address in (1).

In this case, drupal fails to automatically create a second account for the user, balking at the duplicate email address.

However, the oneall dashboard graph shows total usage does increment by one from the second click.

Does this increment in total usage count towards the 2,500 unique user limit? If so, this could become a problem if enough users keep clicking on the "wrong" social icons.

Thank you,


  • Hi Edward,
    Hopefully, the users do not have so many accounts, and make so many mistakes.
    We're pretty flexible when it comes to such limits, if you experience the problem, send an email to our contact page (or here).
    Also, users can also link their Drupal account to their other social network accounts from their account page.



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