Adding "Share This" to sharing buttons

Is there a way to add text above the social sharing buttons (WordPress Share Buttons & Social Sharing Icons plugin)? I'd like to be able to add text that says something like "Share with your friends" above the buttons at the bottom of each post.



  • Hi,
    This is not supported by the plugin as-is.
    However, you can use the shortcode for the plugin.
    For example, in your theme's functions.php file, add this (which you can customize more):
    add_action ('comment_form_after', 'add_text'); function add_text () { echo '<div class="oneall_sharing_icons oneall_sharing_icons_comment_form oneall_sharing_icons_comment_form_after">' . 'Some text here' . '</div>'; echo do_shortcode('[oa_social_sharing_icons]'); }And remove in the plugin settings the display of the icons after the comments, otherwise they'll be shown twice.
  • Thank you for this, Fred. Appreciate it. I'll give this a try.


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