Synchronize for Twitter

Hi, I have problem with synchronize (/identities//synchronize.json) for Twitter. For Facebook for the same user (API User Token) it works, but for Twitter oneall returns:

"response": {
"request": {
"date": "Fri, 08 Jul 2016 09:24:15 +0200",
"resource": "/identities/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.json",
"status": {
"flag": "error",
"code": 400,
"info": "The provider did not accept the stored access_token, it is either invalid or expired. Please ask the user to re-login."

I have connected Facebook and Twitter for that user.
I tried to include some POST data - "update_user_data" and "force_token_update" but still same result.


  • Hi,
    A quick test with update_user_data == false, and force_token_update == true, for a Twitter identity token, worked.
    However, the this was right after logging in.
    What was your scenario?
  • In my case I want to update data, so I setting flag 'update_user_data' as true. I'm trying also without optional data, because default value is true for 'update_user_data'.


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