I only let Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn login but still have issues.
Twitter still says "[Site:Loacal] Could not connect to Twitter
Please verify the Twitter configuration of your Site.
If you are the owner of Loacal, you can fix this error here: Setup Twitter Configuration"
Facebook and Linkedin connects; but overwrites user capabilities. So, at first login people are customer. Then some apply to be a vendor (loacal). After we approve someone being a vendor (loacal); next login suggests they are still a customer (i.e. not vendor)
Please direct.
There are 2 issues here.
The first one relates to your Twitter setup on app.oneall.com. Could you verify the settings there (so they match the twitter app's).
For the second question, what application are you using? (Opencart...)
Both Facebook and Google are working however the Drupal Module version 8.x-1.1 throws back an error about Twitter configuration
I followed the instructions exactly twice for adding Twitter Login
- also added mobile phone
- and also verified Twitter test Ouath is working with https://api.twitter.com/1.1/
Check out the site at: http://dev-salsa.pantheonsite.io/
What are next steps to get this to work?
Have tested your Twitter login, and it looked to have worked.
What issue did you see?
I just meant the web framework you may be using.
Regardless, Twitter login worked from here.
Do you still have the problem?