Analytics Snapshots: Provider Error Responses

Is there any documentation for error responses from social providers? We are running some analytics snapshots, and some posts to Facebook will return a snapshot with 500 response. One of these has a very useful USER_IS_NO_LONGER_AUTHENTICATED error message, which I assume means the user de-authed our FB application.

Other have just a generic RESPONSE_IS_UNKNOWN. What would be the circumstances that we would get this error returned? In both cases that I see this error, I'm also not seeing the "message": "Message still exists" in the snapshot. I'm assuming the user deleted the content from their feed, but did not de-auth our app. But of course it's not clear.

Best Answer

  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    Answer ✓
    Unfortunately no.
    Anything but a user authentication error (application not authorized, user changed password, session expired, not a confirmed user --facebook) will return this generic message.
    So, we'll have to include the provider error message to assist debugging.



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