When a user logs in with steam, their steam profile URL is put into their website field, but is it possible to get their STEAM_ID placed into a field as well?
You can convert someones STEAM profile URL using www.steamidfinder.com into a STEAM ID. the STEAM ID is the unique identifier for each steam account
Hi Mike, You recently posted a similar question about displaying the steam id for the administrator. One suggested answer was to use a meta field, and then use the manage_users_column hooks. Now, you can show this meta field, using other standard Wordpress hooks (show_user_profile) if you want.
have you already added a field to store the Steam ID to your WordPress user's table?
You recently posted a similar question about displaying the steam id for the administrator.
One suggested answer was to use a meta field, and then use the manage_users_column hooks.
Now, you can show this meta field, using other standard Wordpress hooks (show_user_profile) if you want.
Hope this helps.