Duplicate login

Hello guys, i'm having a issue. I already use wp-members for registration and login to my blog.
Now, i installed social plugin to help users, but unfortunately, if they choose a social login option than they need to login twice.
Everything seens right when they choose social login, but the block content still blocked. Then they try again with the same social login and finally they are really log in.

I don't know if it was clear, but i appreciate any help that you can provide.
This is my blog: caporalmktdigital.com.br



  • Fred_PinelFred_PinelMember
    edited September 2016
    Sorry for late response, the site does not seem to include the social login anymore.
    If the user needs to login twice, it means the social login icons were still displayed after logging in the first time?

    Tried WP-Members setup (with block content) and Social login on a test site, and that worked.
    So, there is something else happening here.
    Either re-activate Social login, or tell us more about your setup.



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