Vbulletin errors connecting and redirecting (via LinkedIN)

Hi There Team!

I decided to create a new thread for this. I have noticed several people saying they have problems on this same issue.

I have a similar problem. I am using the latest version of vBulletin Connect 5 and I am only using the LinkedIn social log in. After logging in, the page goes blank and does not redirect. Furthermore, if I go back in the browser I am not logged in despite a message in between stages which says 'You have been logged in, you are now being redirected.'

My site is here.

Please kindly advise.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

Best Answer


  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    the issue was that you had enabled "Extended Profile Data" in your OneAll LinkedIn settings. In order to request Extended Profile Data or Profile Permissions you need to Apply with LinkedIn and ask for the permission to do so.

    If you do not ask LinkedIn for the permission, the login will fail.
    I have disabled the corresponding permissions in your accounts and the login works now.

  • Hi Claude,

    Thanks for the speedy and very helpful response! :-)

    Can you clarify please. Does "Extended Profile Data" mean pulling the additional LinkedIn profile information such as work experience and school etc? And secondly is that even available in the free version or am I mistaking this for a different functionality you are explaining?

    Lastly, can you tell me how I 'ask LinkedIn for permission' and what I need to do please?

    My main aim is to be able to pull the user's information from LinkedIn to populate the information in the user profile in vBulletin.

    You are amazing!

    Please let me know.

    Kind Regards,
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    the extended data is not available in our free version no.

    Besides this, LinkedIn requires developers to fill out this form to get access to it:

    Maybe filling out the first/lastname and email address could be enough? For these you don't need to ask LinkedIn for the permissions.
  • Nom26Nom26Member
    edited September 2016
    Hey Claude,

    Wow. Much appreciated! Great fast reply again!

    I will upgrade shortly in that case. I have one little question. Is it possible to when the plugin is pulling the information to put a space in between the first and last name. Ie. Instead of pulling in 'ClaudeSchlesser' it will be 'Claude Schlesser'. Small point, but just wondered?

    Also, if I want to pull the user data from LinkedIn, specifically work experience and university information (I have a business forum so this saves people filling this in themselves) which upgrade do I need from you?

    Please let me know as looking to launch Asap.

    Kind Regards,
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited September 2016

    the extended data is available in all of our paid plans.

    The spaces in the username are removed on purpose as vBulletin does not always works correctly with them.

    You can comment/remove the corresponding line in the file

    You can see the line here:
  • Claude,

    This is some of the best, fastest and clearest support I have had in a long time! Thank you. You are a gentleman!

    You have encouraged me to go ahead and purchase. Can you re-clarify that the Starter plan has the same 'Social Network Profile Data' as the Standard plan because it appears different the first is 'basic' and the other is 'Extended'

    Lastly, Apologies but I am non technical and can not code. If I wish to make that change, what would I add/amend to that line of code to make the requested change? Do I just remove the line?

    Many thanks in advance!

    Kind Regards,
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    sorry, yes the Started plan has indeed only Basic data. Sorry for the mistake!

    You can just add this at the beginning of the line:

    This will comment the line.

  • Nom26Nom26Member
    edited September 2016
    Hey Claude!

    Awesome thank you!

    I am filling in the Partner Programme Application Form that you showed me

    In the last field it is asking me to 'Enter the single API Key for which you're requesting access'.

    Please advise which code this is?

    Also, if there is any other advice in order to get access to their programme/API/data etc.. in the application form please let me know. It is critical.

    Many thanks.
    Kind Regards,
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team

    prior to filling out the application form, you need to create a LinkedIn app.

    This process is described in your OneAll account (Social Networks -> LinkedIN -> Setup).
    This will give you an API key to enter in the form.

    I'm sorry but I cannot give any particular advice on how to get access to the LinkedIn program as we unfortunately do not know their selection criteria.

  • Nom26Nom26Member
    edited September 2016
    Hey Claude,

    I had already created a LinkedIn app prior. (When setting up the free version of the plugin).
    I see it in LinkedIn under MY APPLICATIONS - 'Manage your desktop and mobile applications that leverage LinkedIn APIs.'
    I assume this is the same app you mean and the API key the LinkedIn application is asking me for?

    I have 2 codes in this LinkedIn app I see: Client ID and Client Secret.

    Is one of these the correct API key I have to fill in the form?
    (The form says 'Enter the single API Key for which you're requesting access:')


    Kind Regards,
  • Thanks for your answers Claude! I've finished the application form and just checked off your reply as having answered the question.



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