Sharing via VKontakte and address


I have the next issue: when I share an article via VKontakte I see address instead of my website address in such post (as I understand this address is required for tracking people who share a content from my web site). So question: can this be fixed some how so after a sharing there will be my website address instead of address?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

BR, Alex

Best Answer

  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited January 2017 Answer ✓

    what you can do is add the tag data-shorten-urls="false"

    <div class="oas_box oas_box_btns_lfnm" data-shorten-urls="false"> <span class="oas_btn oas_btn_facebook" title="Share On Facebook"></span> <span class="oas_btn oas_btn_twitter" title="Share On Twitter"></span> <span class="oas_btn oas_btn_google_plus" title="Share On Google"></span> <span class="oas_btn oas_btn_linkedin" title="Share On LinkedIn"></span> <span class="oas_btn oas_btn_email" title="Share On Email"></span> </div>

    For WordPress you unfortunately need to modify the plugin.

    You need to edit this file in the plugin directory:

    Locate this line:
    $social_sharing_block .= '<span class="oas_box oas_box_' . $display_size . ' oas_box_' . $sharing_block_class . '"'.( ! empty ($disable_og_tags) ? ' data-read-og-tags="false"' : '').'>';

    And change it to this:
    $social_sharing_block .= '<span class="oas_box oas_box_' . $display_size . ' oas_box_' . $sharing_block_class . '" data-shorten-urls="false"'.( ! empty ($disable_og_tags) ? ' data-read-og-tags="false"' : '').'>';

    In the next version of the plugin we will add an option in the admin menu to change it there!



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