Disabling/Closing Discussions on a Post

Is there any way to close discussions or disable them completely, on a post-by-post basis? Some posts just do not require discussion, and some of them, I would like to be able to close after a specific period of time.

Aside from that, I really am enjoying the plugin, so far. It is clean, simple, and easy to use.

Thank you, in advance!

Best Answer

  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    Answer ✓
    Hi Joseph,

    we are currently working on a couple of new features, what is included is:
    - Trashing and/or closing discussions
    - Automatic moving of comments to the trashbox/moderation queue based on comment content
    - Enabling/Disabling guest commenting
    We hope to release the new features by the end of the week.


  • Thank you for the reply. Definitely looking forward to trying all of those changes out!
  • Claude_SchlesserClaude_SchlesserAdministratorOneAll Team
    edited March 2017
    A new section LoudVoice \ Discussions is now available in your OneAll account. It allows to view, close, trash and delete discussions.


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